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(Adhérents Fnac) Kit de démarrage 3 ampoules connectées Philips ...
99.99 € 129.99 €
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Bonjour d'Italie

3 participants

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Bonjour d'Italie Empty Bonjour d'Italie

Message  LastEdition Ven 23 Mar 2018 - 11:28


I'm Gian from Italy and some of you already know of me, because of my stickers and autocollant for classic BMW motorcycles Heritage Stickers

If you have any question or request I'll be happy to help


PS  And I'm very sorry I don't speak any French!

Bonjour d'Italie Bmw_r911

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Bonjour d'Italie Empty Re: Bonjour d'Italie

Message  zouaverifle Ven 23 Mar 2018 - 14:09

Hello Lastedition and welcome aboard ! clin
Due to my last job, I know quiet well Milano and Torino area. (And the fabulous Italian food and wine...drunken)

Dernière édition par zouaverifle le Sam 24 Mar 2018 - 9:59, édité 1 fois

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Bonjour d'Italie Empty Re: Bonjour d'Italie

Message  Gastair Ven 23 Mar 2018 - 21:59

Hello, and thank you for your visit and your proposal.

However, here it is to present yourself and there you present your commercial activity.

You must know that it is inappropriate to join a forum to advertise, it is a free forum and its members stand in the first place by their personality and mainly their biker past..

All this without animosity and without questioning the quality of what you do ...

... just a Flatistanais.

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Bonjour d'Italie Empty Re: Bonjour d'Italie

Message  LastEdition Sam 24 Mar 2018 - 8:14

Hello Gastair, point taken and I do apologise, it’s just what I’m known for amongst air heads :)
PS ZR about wine we’re both at the top in different categories

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